What are my tools?

Microphone: CAD E100Sx Large Diaphragm Supercardioid Condenser Microphone

DAW: Reaper with iZotope RX Elements 8

Interface: Focusrite Scarlett Solo (3rd Gen) USB Audio Interface


What powers all this?

My PC I built myself!

OS: Windows 11
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3800XT
GPU: Nvidia Geforce RTX 3060ti
RAM: 16GBs
Monitors: Dual 144op 144Hz via DisplayPort


Where am I recording?

I record in my home studio walk in closet. It’s been acoustically treated with a noise floor of -60dB.


What about live directed sessions?

Currently, I can offer directed sessions via a Phone Call, or Video Conferencing. (Such as Skype, Zoom, Discord, etc!)

Happiness is a very peculiar concept. To me, it’s a sense of fulfillment. Being fulfilled by society, your career, loved ones; anything. This burning need drives us onward; it’s the reason we don’t waste away our lives. That value is placed far above our own lives. It’s a lust that is a part of us, what makes us human. But the peculiar thing is, is that it’s not practically necessary. We make it so. It’s our motivation. We don’t need it to be alive, but we need it to live.

— Eric Bannister